A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Who Will Be The First To Put PLM On Amazon?

Who Will Be The First To Put PLM On Amazon?
5 April, 2010 | 1 min for reading

I was reading on ebizQ during the weekend – Lawson Puts Full Function ERP system on Amazon Web Service Cloud. Actually, Lawson has PLM product  – PLM For Apparel and Footwear.

During the last few months, or even more, I’ve heard so much discuss about cloud and PLM. Lots of pros and cons were raised? Security, IP, availability, etc. I don’t think I can add something to this discussion for the moment. However, it sounds like a lot of discussion, but nobody wants to try it out. Sometimes try and fail (or not) can be a very good approach. My question – who will be the first to move their complete PLM offering and host it on Amazon AWS?

Maybe you know a company which did it already?
Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg


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