Archive for July, 2010

3DLive, HD3D, 3D UI and Efficiency

I read Jim Brown’s Can Siemens Make More Fun with HD-PLM? Jim is writing about the future of PLM experience. I made me think about User Experience (or User Interface) efficiency for engineers and potentially other users in the organization. 3D Navigation Trend I think, comprehensive 3D Navigation is definitely…


PLM and Legacy Data

When I’m thinking about any PLM project, I can clearly see the step when data available in the organization need to be loaded into the system. This step is often underestimated from different standpoints: ability to gather and load information, availability of data definitions, availability of APIs and system performance….

PLM and Legacy Data

PLM and Legacy Data

When I’m thinking about any PLM project, I can clearly see the step when data available in the organization need to be loaded into the system. This step is often underestimated from different standpoints: ability to gather and load information, availability of data definitions, availability of APIs and system performance….


PLM and Pointless Visualization

Data management is boring. Data, Numbers, Tables… Even, if I completely disagree, I guess lots of people think so. Nevertheless, even if you work on absolutely boring from data coolness standpoint  project, you can find how to get some fun. Take a look on the following visualization. The video presents a visualization of…

Alfresco and BPM Shakeout for PLM?

Alfresco and BPM Shakeout for PLM?

Just few days ago, I mentioned Alfresco in this list of the companies that potentially can challenge enterprise software vendors in their nirvana. The following article caught my attention – Alfresco is coming with open source BPM implementation based on BPMN notation. Tools is going to be available under Apache…


PDM vs. PLM: A Data Perspective

I want to talk about what I consider as one of the most controversial topics in the industry – PDM vs. PLM. How many times, you had a chance to hear the following question: What is the difference between PDM and PLM? I guess, the only one question can practically…

Too Hard To Adopt PLM?… Do What is Right!

Too Hard To Adopt PLM?… Do What is Right!

The question of the PLM adoption is always raising interest. One of the most important question people are asking in the context of PLM  is about PLM software adoption level. I found an interesting article by TEC  – Too Hard To Adopt PLM? Find Ways To Make it Easier!. I…

PDM vs. PLM: A Data Perspective

PDM vs. PLM: A Data Perspective

I want to talk about what I consider as one of the most controversial topics in the industry – PDM vs. PLM. How many times, you had a chance to hear the following question: What is the difference between PDM and PLM? I guess, the only one question can practically…


PLM, Technological Choice and Open Source Revolution

The acceptance of Open Source technologies is growing. One of the latest examples of products in open source movement that caught my attention was Lucid Imagination. Lucid is built on top ofLucene and Solr – open source search libraries and enterprise search solutions. I was thinking about trajectories of Open…


PLM and Design Focus

One of my favorite quotes of Peter Drucker is following – “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer“. So, to learn how a customer sees the world is one of the most important things that we need to do. I had a chance to see a…
