Archive for December, 2011
PLM Cost and Enterprisey Clouds
PLM is a costly piece of software. Software licenses, installation, implementation, support, services. All these components of PLM software make the decision of manufacturing companies to adopt PLM software questionable. In the past, out-of-the-box solutions promised by software vendors claimed to decrease PLM software TCO. However, it was only a…
PLM and Multiplatform Development
PLM Cloud: differentiation or “anti-cloud rant”?
PLM, ECO and Cost of Change
PLM, Autodesk and Cloud Wars Club?
Companies are looking for differentiation in the way they are making business. PLM companies are not different. Dassault, PTC, Siemens PLM, Aras, etc. Nobody wants to sell “me too” cocktail nowadays. With the last Autodesk PLM announcement, it became clear that Autodesk is targeting a “cloud PLM” place. During the…
How Do You Know Your PLM Project is in Trouble?
Blogosphere and other literature are full of remarks about companies that stuck in different phases of PLM process. You probably had a chance to read Aras’ Frustrated by a stuck PLM project? blog post last year. Recent Autodesk announcement of Nexus PLM raised again many publications about the complexity and…
The Enterprise and PLM will rock 2012?
As usual, at the end of the year, there is a time for blog posts with predictions, opinions and future trends. Last 2-3 years of technological boom were around consumer applications – social, web, mobile. These are three major application field that developed many technologies of the past years. How…