Archive for April, 2012

PLM and SharePoint Technical Definition

PLM and SharePoint Technical Definition

I’m off to Detroit, MI this week for Aras PLM user conference – ACE 2012. Microsoft .NET and MS SQL are two important elements of Aras infrastructure. For many enterprises these days, Microsoft IT based technology is no-brainer decision. It runs everywhere. It is near impossible to talk about PLM and Microsoft’s…

PLM, Multiple BOMs and Cross-Functional Teams

PLM, Multiple BOMs and Cross-Functional Teams

The ability to develop virtual conversation accorss continents and timezones is one of the most exciting parts of my blogging hobby. Earlier last week, I had a very interesting discussion about multiple Bill of Materials. It started from the discussion about BOM management and PLM 360 with John Evans here….

Will Search Make PLM Cool?

Will Search Make PLM Cool?

Disclosure: As a co-founder of Inforbix, I understand that my opinion about Search can be unintentionally biased. Nevertheless, I believe the topic itself is very important, so I decided to share my thoughts anyway. Cool is clearly trending. First time I posted about my “FREE and COOL” theory in CAD/PLM about…

Will “cloud drive” disrupt engineering collaboration?

Will “cloud drive” disrupt engineering collaboration?

What is the next file system that will be available for our disposal? Cloud file system. Really? In the past few years, I’ve been writing about the future of moving CAD and engineering content to the cloud and various options that will be available to make it happen. Navigate to…

PLM and the death of complexity

PLM and the death of complexity

The complexity of engineering and manufacturing software is a well-known fact. The topic isn’t really new. For the last couple of years the complexity topic came to me in different context and various forms. Two weeks ago, I was writing about that in my blog – PLM: Data, Search and…

Product Lifecycle Data and Cloud Trap Debates

Product Lifecycle Data and Cloud Trap Debates

The discussion around the cloud is heating up. At the time, the competition gets stronger, the debate around the cloud trap is taking to the next level. It is not unusual these days to see cloud propaganda coming from the companies beating their future on the success of the cloud…

PLM Cloud Switch: From CDs to AWS Marketplace

PLM Cloud Switch: From CDs to AWS Marketplace

I captured an interesting news earlier today. Amazon launching AWS Marketplace. Navigate to the following article to read more. What does it mean, in a nutshell? Similar to how is your ultimate online hyper mall to buy everything you need from books to furniture, AWS Marketplace is a place…

COFES 2012: Design Risk and Information Availability

COFES 2012: Design Risk and Information Availability

One of the sessions I especially liked during COFES 2012 was a keynote by Richard Riff – The Intersection of Design and Risk. The name of the keynote was the same as a theme of COFES 2012. Here is a snippet from COFES 2012 agenda describing this session: …we’ll explore…

COFES 2012: Social Software and Gen-Z

COFES 2012: Social Software and Gen-Z

One of the roundtables I attended during last week COFES 2012 was about social software and cloud. The session was moderated by Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity. “Social topic” was much less in focus of COFES 2012 compared to 2010 and 2011. I’ve been intrigued by the combination of social and…

COFES 2012 and Cloud Discussion: Why? Why Not? How?

COFES 2012 and Cloud Discussion: Why? Why Not? How?

One of the topics of second COFES 2012 Congress was about the cloud. I want to refer to one of the most interesting quotes related cloud / internet from Alan Kay keynote at COFES 2012: Since its inception (1969) the internet was never shut down/rebooted! Which other system can boast…
