Archive for April, 2012

COFES 2012: CAD Society 2012 Leadership Award

COFES 2012: CAD Society 2012 Leadership Award

COFES 2012 became special to me. It is almost four years since I started my daily blogging on Daily PLM Think Tank and lately, on Beyond PLM blog. I want to thank CAD Society and Rick Stavanja for the honor. However, blogging is not “one-way-road”. My blogging would not be possible…

COFES 2012: Quick Summary

COFES 2012: Quick Summary

I was very busy since last Thursday. As you probably know, I was attended COFES 2012. It took all my time from early Thursday until Sunday. COFES is a unique event. You have a chance to speak with many people of the industry, share opinion and check your ideas. From that…

Will CFO like “cloud PLM”?

Will CFO like “cloud PLM”?

Cost is one of the aspects all cloud PLM providers bring to the table these days. The demand and the expection is that that PLM (or any other software) on the cloud will become cheaper than on-premises’ alternative. Earlier this week, I’ve been reading an article from CIO magazine –…

Will COFES 2012 make Arizona cloudy this week?

Will COFES 2012 make Arizona cloudy this week?

I’m coming to COFES 2012 this week. COFES (The Congress on the Future of Engineering Software) is a think-tank event and one of my favorites. For the next 3 days, I’m going to put myself under the sun in Scottsdale, AZ. COFES publish the list of key participants – you…

PLM and freedom in business

PLM and freedom in business

If you think about PDM and PLM, you will discover a lot of “controlling” functions. Examples are easy. You need to control documents, revisions, bill of materials, changes. Later, you need to manage and control processes. We’ve been living this type of environments for many years. Today I want to…

Why PLM technology can be addictive?

Why PLM technology can be addictive?

You may think everything is going faster these days. Instagram acquisition earlier today proved how disruptive and fast can be an influence of the internet on service providing. On the picture below, you can see a comparison of the technology adoption pace. At the same time, the speed of change…

PLM: Ugly vs. Cool

PLM: Ugly vs. Cool

Do you think PLM software must be cool? More than two years ago, I posted FREE and COOL trends in CAD/PLM. I’m observing an increased amount of discussions about “PLM coolness” in the past few weeks. The release of PLM 360 by Autodesk just amplified the interest to the “cool”…

Mobile PLM gold-rush. Did vendors miss the point?

Mobile PLM gold-rush. Did vendors miss the point?

One year ago, I posted – PLM and Post-PC era. It is interesting to read back and think about the same topics again. Mobile revolution. We are living in this now. Our personal life became much more mobile in the last 2-3 years. Post-PC era and revolution made by table…

Marketing and the future of PLM Art

Marketing and the future of PLM Art

One of the unpublished rules of PLM Think Tank is not to talk about marketing. Marketing is a tough job. Especially, when it comes to PLM space. The high level of diversification is a nature of every product development organization. The nature of marketing is to invent a story that…

PLM: Data, Search and Future User Experience

PLM: Data, Search and Future User Experience

Disclosure: As a co-founder of Inforbix, I understand that my opinion about PLM Data and Search can be unintentionally biased. Nevertheless, I believe the topic itself is very important, so I decided to share my thoughts anyway. PLM Data. A lot of data. You are probably familiar with that. The…
