Archive for September, 2012

Will SharePoint and Yammer struggle from PLM problem?

Will SharePoint and Yammer struggle from PLM problem?

As you probably know, enterprise social vendor Yammer is now part of Microsoft SharePoint division. As always, after integration, the question you want to ask is how both products will interplay together. Immediate after acquisition, I posted – Will Microsoft-Yammer kill social plm? – not yet… One of the conclusions…

PLM and Cloud File Sharing Bubble

PLM and Cloud File Sharing Bubble

File Sharing on the cloud. Who is not doing it these days? It sounds so simple and straightforward. Dropbox was one of the companies that pioneered the success of cloud file sharing and made it mainstream. Other large companies took the challenge. As a result, we have plenty of options…

What BigQuery means for PLM?

What BigQuery means for PLM?

CAD and PLM means a lot of data these days. Thinking about growing complexity of products, the amount of information systems needs to proceed is certainly growing. In order to keep up with a growing amount of the information CAD and PLM vendors will have to bring new methods and…

Enterprise App Store: There is an App… for what?

Enterprise App Store: There is an App… for what?

I’m sure you are familiar with a famous Apple slogan – there is an app for that. We are in love of our apps and use them a lot. The idea of Apps was picked up by enterprise software developers as well and popularized. I believe the idea is good….

Virtual Events, 3D Experience and Efficiency

Virtual Events, 3D Experience and Efficiency

No, this blog post is not about Dassault 3D Experience. Even more… this post is not about PLM. Last week, I had a chance to attend first ever virtual PLM event – Social PLM 2012. You can see some of presentations already on Youtube. Navigate to this link to see…

What PLM must learn from the success of Email?

What PLM must learn from the success of Email?

One of the biggest issues PLM vendors want to solve today is “PLM adoption”. PDM/PLM moved from a toolbox to out-of-the-box (OOTB), from OOTB to industry best practices. Cloud is another promise. Another buzzword PLM industry is using today is “social”. In my view, the best way to learn about…

Cloud PLM and Cost of Data: Your Mileage May Vary?

Cloud PLM and Cost of Data: Your Mileage May Vary?

Cost is important. Period. It drives attention of IT managers and CFOs. With a massive changes cloud and mobile bring to a modern enterprise, structure and definition of cost will be transforming. On my way from Tel Aviv to Boston yesterday, I had a chance to read RWW Mobile article…

CAD/PLM Standards and Toothbrushes Problem

CAD/PLM Standards and Toothbrushes Problem

I’m about to start my journey back from Israel to Boston after a short family vacation break. Below is probably the last vacation picture I made. Now it is a time to get back to work and blogging. Over the past week after Autodesk-Inforbix announcement, I’ve received many questions regarding…
