App Store. These two words changed our life for the last few years. You have a problem? We have an...
It is officially happened yesterday. Autodesk announced Fusion 360 – cloud based CAD software. Fusion leverages cloud tech to provide...
The two terms “cloud computing” and “virtualization” have many things in common. From a specific technological standpoint, we can even...
Cloud. Public. Private. Dedicated. Secured. Security topic can detonate and destabilize any discussion about cloud deployment. Tell people about security...
“Hardware is what it is. Software is what it does”. I’ve got this brilliant quote from Dick Morley at COFES...
Data is a fascinating topic these days. The amount of data is growing and it raises lots of concerns on...
Sunday is a good day to dream and think about something completely crazy and impossible. More than four years ago...
We love word “disruptive”. It is so nice and tasty. However, very often, we use it without thinking twice what...
Dear Mr. Manufacturing CIO. I have good news for you – engineers in your your organization are already using cloud...
Recently, I’ve been talking a lot of search paradigm and findability in PLM. In many aspects, web search changed our life....
Big data is one of the biggest hyped buzzwords of the last two years. With all hype around, it is...
CAD and PLM vendors have a long history of development product for automotive industry. Major OEMs and their suppliers were...