Archive for June, 2013
What Autodesk Fusion 360 means for PLM?
PLM Cloud or Virtualization Alternative?
The two terms “cloud computing” and “virtualization” have many things in common. From a specific technological standpoint, we can even call both of these terms identical. The ability to virtualize computing power and provide them with easy and painless way was one of the roots behind what is known today…
Amazon, CIA and Future of PLM Private Clouds
Cloud. Public. Private. Dedicated. Secured. Security topic can detonate and destabilize any discussion about cloud deployment. Tell people about security and discussion will be derailed for the next 30 min… I’ve been discussing cloud security on my blog many times. You probably can skim few notable discussions by reading –…
Total PLMification and Paper vs. Software Thoughts
“Hardware is what it is. Software is what it does”. I’ve got this brilliant quote from Dick Morley at COFES Russia last month. It made me think about frustration people have sometimes working with Product Lifecycle Management systems. From my personal experience, the biggest lesson PLM industry must learn is…
Excel Kingdom and Thoughts about PLM Data Openness
Cloud PLM and Google Loon Sunday Dreams
Cloud PLM and disruptive technology economic impact
We love word “disruptive”. It is so nice and tasty. However, very often, we use it without thinking twice what does it mean. Read materials from many startups and large companies – you found lots of statements about “disruptive technology” or “disruptive innovation”. Wikipedia article provides a very decent definition…
CAD, Cloud Folders and Search Apps
About PLM Islands and Russian Search
Recently, I’ve been talking a lot of search paradigm and findability in PLM. In many aspects, web search changed our life. Search remains one of the fundamental user experience in consumer space and web. We search for tasks, locations, emails, friends, events and many other things. Search is different when we…