Web as a platform. You can hear many conversations about that nowadays. Started as cloud talks, it comes more to...
Google is making lots of things these days. The list includes search, data centers, mobile phones, tablets, wearable devices, self...
Social tools are capturing lots of noise and making real impact these days. After initial hype of MySpace and early...
Experience is a new modern hype. You can see it everywhere these days. User experience, selling experience, learning experience, total...
Touch interface is changing the way we work and think. You can see it everywhere these days. Engineers are not...
There is a chasm between old and new schoolers these days in many places and industries. I wonder if PLM...
Upgrades are painful. Everyone in enterprise business knows that. If you are using multiple enterprise systems, ongoing upgrades can become...
There is one project in data management everybody tries to avoid: legacy data import. It’s one of the most complicated,...
Excel is one of the most widely accepted PLM systems. PLM vendors and consultants may disagree with this strong statement....
Every software application developer has a dream. This dream is to become a “platform”. This is such a sweet moment...
PLM is expanding and vendors are always looking for new market segments and niches. One of the well known white...
Standards are tough thing. It is so hard to people to agree. Especially it is hard when competitive factor comes...