A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Autodesk University 2013 Keynote: Outside PLM

Autodesk University 2013 Keynote: Outside PLM
3 December, 2013 | 2 min for reading

I’m attending Autodesk University (AU 2013) these days in  busy Las Vegas, NV. If you had a chance to attend AU in the past, probably familiar with craziness of conference halls, busy session schedule, smell of Vegas hotels and… if you got lucky, nice view from your room.




The main event this morning was AU2013 keynote led by Carl Bass, Autodesk CEO and Jeff Kowalski, Autodesk CTO. The keynote theme “The answer is outside” was inspiring. You may think what is that about. Here is the way I’ve got it – tools are important, but our mindset is more important these days. We need to shift towards the ability to re-use things that already created by other people and companies. I want to quote Jeff Kowalski – “Search first, make second”. This is probably the most interesting perspective on how user experience is going to change these days. I learned a new buzzword – VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain. Complex. Ambiguous). This is a new world we live in according to Jeff.




Carl Bass was mostly focusing on great experience of Autodesk customers using cloud tools. I can see it as a final set of trilogy – vision (2011), product (2012), customers (2013). it shows the accomplishment done by customers as a learning point in the next turn of the future product development. Carl mentioned full scope of Autodesk products – Autodesk 360, PLM360, BIM360, SIM360 and many others.






Another interesting story was related to a growing ecosystem of cloud vendors and product. The example Jeff Kowalski used in his keynote was GrabCAD – online community of engineers.


What is my conclusion? I want to pickup two important things – customers are getting to the cloud,  using cloud products, learn and provide feedback how to improve products in the future. Another one – data exploration experience. This is all about our ability to re-use staff and not re-invent things from scratch. Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg

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