A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

5 Years Blogging…

5 Years Blogging…
3 February, 2014 | 1 min for reading


Dear Friends, This month marks the beginning of my 6 year of blogging about PLM and engineering software. Even my early posts marked by Dec/2008, I consider beginning of 2009 as a formal start of my daily blogging commitment. Over the past 5 years, I’ve been blogged over 1,400 blog posts, exchanged over 6000 comments and had about 1.1 million viewers. I wasn’t able to count discussions in social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and private emails…

Blogging is hard, especially from the beginning, when you feel that you are writing to nowhere. I was lucky to have you and your support, which was amazing. So, the most fun is to see when you read, comment, re-tweet, disagree, debate, reference and re-post… I enjoyed this 5 years blogging ride and I hope you enjoyed this journey with me.

I’m looking forward to blog in 2014 and beyond. I have some new blogging ideas and hope to share them with you soon. For the meantime, I want to thank again for your support and commitment for my blog. Share with me what do you want me to blog about and stay tuned.

Best, Oleg

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