A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

April 2014

30 April, 2014

One of my favorite keynotes last week at COFES 2014 took me to the definition of time paradox and how different...

29 April, 2014

Search is a difficult problem. Especially when it comes to enterprise and organization. According to researches, more than 2/3 of...

28 April, 2014

I’m coming back from COFES 2014. As always, COFES, is an excellent place to get in touch with industry big...

24 April, 2014

I’m attending COFES (The Congress on the Future of Engineering Software) which starts today in Scottsdale, AZ. COFES is not...

24 April, 2014

Ask two engineers about how to make stuff and you get at least three opinions about possible ways to do...

22 April, 2014

Excel and Bill of Materials. What can be better to start a discussion? One of my favorites blogging buddies and...

21 April, 2014

PLM is in the focus on many companies these days. Questions how to improve processes, optimize cost and improve quality...

20 April, 2014

I took few days of rest with the family on Paradise Island. Huge hotel and attractions facilities of Atlantis are...

15 April, 2014

Collaboration is the name of the game today for many vendors. CAD and PLM vendors are included. Cloud technology is...

14 April, 2014

Let’s talk about PLM technologies. Err.. PLM is not a technology. Even more, PLM is even not a product. So,...

11 April, 2014

One of the most popular topics in engineering (but not only) software ecosystem. Open vs. Close. I’ve been discussing it...

10 April, 2014

Cloud is raising lots of controversy in Europe. While manufacturing companies in U.S. are generally more open towards new tech,...

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