Earlier today at Accelerate 2014 in Boston, Autodesk PLM360 team provided an update about PLM360 product, technologies, as well as an early preview of cloud document management for CAD and other files. The “invisible data management” solution supposed to solve the problem of customers looking how to implement end-to-end cloud PLM solution including CAD data management. This photo blog is a series of screen captures from slides and demo done during the event. Note, well known “safe harbor” statement was presented before slides. In simple language, it means not all features and functions demonstrated today will end up in PLM360 product as planned.
1- PLM360 is part of larger Autodesk eco-system of cloud products
2- Autodesk presents PLM360 “next next” generation
3- Autodesk PLM360 as part of bigger cloud software eco-system
4- Autodesk is using latest web tech to uplift PLM360 user experience
5- New PLM360 user interface
6- More… New PLM360 user interface
7- PLM360 mobile apps
8- PLM360 (cloud) PDM expansion
9- An alternative – Cloud PLM360 with PDM functions vs. on premise Autodesk Vault
10- Browser based cloud PDM integration
11- The challenge to move data to the cloud – Transfer Avoidance (TM)
12- More about Transfer Avoidance (TM)
13- How to achieve good performance when transferring large files to the cloud
14- Demo of PLM360 PDM capabilities
15- Cloud doc folders user interface in PLM360
17- Cloud data transfer benchmark
18- Using web scale technologies
19- Support of multiple CAD systems
What is my conclusion? Autodesk PLM360 document management (cloud PDM) expands functionality to cover traditional PDM system. However, it takes a different – invisible data management approach. Technology wise, it leverage the power of open source consumer web tools and infrastructure. Doc management will complement existing PLM360 solution with new technologies and tool capabilities. New customers (especially cloud friendly ones) will appreciate the ability to have end-to-end PLM/PDM cloud solution.
Best, Oleg
Disclaimer: I’m Autodesk employee. However, the views and opinions expressed in this blog are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions – expressed or implied – of my employer.