Archive for May, 2015

How to stop blaming engineers for PLM sales problems

How to stop blaming engineers for PLM sales problems

It is hard to sell PLM. Sigh… Even today. Even with all modern open source, cloud, browser, web, mobile, big data, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and other cool product and technological buzzwords. How to get PLM right? Startups and large companies are trying to bring new ideas and products to the…

How much does it cost to manage CAD data?

How much does it cost to manage CAD data?

CAD files. Everyone who is dealing with design and engineering is familiar with this type of data. Large files, many dependencies, hard to store, share, change. That was the place where originally Product Data Management – PDM was born (if you long enough in this industry you might remember EDM…

What PLM industry can learn from… Hollywood?

What PLM industry can learn from… Hollywood?

I’ve been reading a blog Getting PLM right: no one answer by Monica Schnitger. It is a slick writeup started from one of the most popular questions in PLM community – Why it makes my head hurt when I think I need/want/cloud use/maybe should think about PLM implementations? Monica speaks about…

BOM and roadblocks for Product-as-a-Service in manufacturing

BOM and roadblocks for Product-as-a-Service in manufacturing

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model in which you are buying software subscription and software is typically centrally hosted. Here is a potentially big news – SaaS model is proliferating into manufacturing. Welcome Product-as-a-Service (don’t be confused with PaaS- Platform as a service). According to IDC report, manufacturing…

Onshape quietly developed “Google Drive for CAD”

Onshape quietly developed “Google Drive for CAD”

Cloud storage and CAD files. This topic always created lot of controversy and questions. File sizes, speed, security, CAD formats and viewing. At the same time, the need to collaborate and share files is obvious. In my early blog – PLM Cloud Concerns and Dropbox Reality for Engineers 3 years ago,…

The optimal org size is shrinking. Will manufacturing follow?

The optimal org size is shrinking. Will manufacturing follow?

Traditional manufacturing companies are associated with large manufacturing facilities, manufacturing equipment and significant initial investment to take business off the ground. It is still true in many aspects. At the same time, manufacturing is changing. It becomes smaller, more agile and global. In addition to that, changes in IP ownership…



I’m heading to ProSTEP iViP Symposium 2015, which will take place later this week in Stuttgart. Here is what website says about the event. 500 experts and decision-makers from industry and research are expected to come together for this two-day conference… nearly 40 presentations and a half-dozen workshops, experienced and…

Product cost management and global manufacturing

Product cost management and global manufacturing

Product cost is the top priority for every manufacturing organization in the world. It can be large OEM or small hardware startup. To figure out how to manage and control product cost is absolutely important. I’ve been touching cost management earlier on my blog – CAD, PLM and Product Cost and…

PLM and ERP: Separated by a common Bill of Materials (BOM)

PLM and ERP: Separated by a common Bill of Materials (BOM)

Yesterday, I had a privilege to share my thoughts about Bill of Materials and BOM management during my keynote at ProSTEP iViP Symposium in Stuttgart. That was my first time at ProSTEP conference. The first day is over. I will be publishing  updates in my live blog here. The discussion…

PLM, wait… Big Data 2.0 is coming

PLM, wait… Big Data 2.0 is coming

Unless you’ve been living on the moon for the last few years, you’ve heard the buzzword ‘big data’. It came to us mostly as an ability to process large amount of data – structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Earlier this year, I mused about the opportunity to leverage big data during…
