Archive for June, 2015

How people born after 1985 can influence PLM

How people born after 1985 can influence PLM

Culture can eat strategy for breakfast and technology for lunch. When it comes to PLM, the implementation and organizational alignment are major risk factors. To change organization is hard and to shift it towards using new tools and processes is even harder. I recently wrote about it in my blog…

PLM Vendors: Cloud Service Comparison

PLM Vendors: Cloud Service Comparison

Cloud is taking PLM vendors by storm. Just few years ago, the question if manufacturing companies will adopt cloud raised lot of debates. You probably remember my posts – PLM competition and true cloud solution and PLM cloud: differentiation and anti-cloud  rant. Fast forward into 2015 – I can see almost all…

PDM and future trajectory of versions comparison

PDM and future trajectory of versions comparison

  Version control is one of the most important function in PDM. Regardless on what type of data you are managing, the capability to manage changes and to have an access of history of versions is important. Version control was the first functionality every PDM system developed in the past. The following video…

Configurable BOM – an ultimate PLM platform test?

Configurable BOM – an ultimate PLM platform test?

Platformizaiton in PLM is an interesting trend. If this is a first time you hear about “platformization”, you are not alone. The term was “coined” by CIMdata – analytical and consulting outfit focusing of PLM and manufacturing. You can read more here – Platformization: The next step in PLM’s evolution….

PLM + ERP = cloud… what?

PLM + ERP = cloud… what?

Enterprise resource planning is well established domain for many years. ERP in manufacturing made a very long history of transformation from early days of MRP and MRP II and it is usually a suite of integrated applications used to store data from multiple activities – inventory, product planning, manufacturing, service…

Inertia is still a major problem in PLM adoption

Inertia is still a major problem in PLM adoption

The adoption of PLM is a tricky question. I use a term PLM for the moment, to describe both tools and processes needed for PLM adoption. Here is the thing, regardless on what tools are you using you do have PLM processes in place. You might have bad processes in…

PLM and Big Data Trends

PLM and Big Data Trends

I have an unusual post for this weekend. It is related to big data stories on my blog. Big Data trend is getting stronger. Together with IoT it represents set of some very innovative initiatives in PLM. For the last few weeks I had a chance to blog few times…

How manufacturing companies can open source PLM innovation?

How manufacturing companies can open source PLM innovation?

Whatever you can hear about complexity of PLM, there are lot of manufacturing companies that created outstanding PLM implementations. These implementations are helping them to optimize product design, speed up engineering to manufacturing process and do many other innovative things making their engineering and manufacturing uniquely competitive. From my experience, these…

How PLM vendors can compete with manufacturing status-quo?

How PLM vendors can compete with manufacturing status-quo?

I attended startup event yesterday in MIT. It was organized by by Startup Secrets with participation of Michael Skok and Alex Osterwalder. If you’re not familiar with Alex’s books – Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design, I certainly recommend you to check it out. In my view it is good not only…
