A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Happy Thanksgiving and Future Turkey PLM

Happy Thanksgiving and Future Turkey PLM
24 November, 2016 | 2 min for reading


It is Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day in United States today. I wanted to say some special words to all my readers. You are the main reason why I write this blog every single working day for the last 8 years. All of you are like one big PLM family. Thank you for your support and thank you for reading all these PLMinized stories. I feel very thankful for all these years of support, comments and, what is also important, reading of my articles. You are the main source of inspiration to keep blogging and share my thoughts.

And I hope very much you are not fed up with my stories about PLM and you can take one more PLM story about Thanksgiving Day as well. I can see it as an opportunity to share some ideas how to improve Thanksgiving Turkey Lifecycle.

At the time all Americans are preparing to release a Turkey BOM, we need to think how to improve turkey process and user experience.  After all, it looks like old fashion mass production – Americans are killing 46 million turkeys for this holday and I’m sure there are many ways to improvement the process. The average Thanksgiving meal cost $50 for the family of 10 – just think about potential cost saving and ROI.

Of course, we should also think about how to manage deviation from standard process. I’m talking about turkeys pardoned by President of United States.

Thinking about improvements and future trends, it is also good time and opportunity to think how to move from Turkey mass killing (oops… production) process to turkey mass customization, in the way that will allow us to leverage IoT technologies and sensors. So, future consumers of Thanksgiving meals will be able to share their requirements much earlier in the process and control Turkey manufacturing process from their mobile devices. A lot to be said also about variety of staffing options and configurations of side dishes.

And, finally thinking about Turkey total user experience, we need to consider how to use VR and cloud technology to improve Thanksgiving process to full perfection. Think about simulation, opportunity to predict quality of meal and also connect and collaborate with your family.

No conclusion today. Happy Thanksgiving! Have some fun, eat some food and enjoy the day. One more time, thank you to all my readers for spending time with me reading Beyond PLM articles!

Best, Oleg

Want to learn more about PLM? Check out my new PLM Book website.

Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of openBoM developing cloud based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased

Image credit virtual farm tours

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