Archive for December, 2016

Challenges of horizontal integration in connected manufacturing

Challenges of horizontal integration in connected manufacturing

IoT, Industrial Internet, Industry 4.0. Consumer marketing of IoT technology can be confusing and try to sell yout the idea how your fridge will use smart egg tray to save you from urgent errand to a nearby dragstore. What is really behind that is a very disruptive idea of how manufacturing companies can…

Global visibility vs pseudo connected manufacturing

Global visibility vs pseudo connected manufacturing

Connectivity is changing demands of manufacturing systems about software. A decade ago, the top concern was how to control data. PLM’s vision of single point of truth came in the center of that demand. To organize data and put it under control was on the top of the list of…

Lipstick on a pig. Why PLM experience is not done yet?

Lipstick on a pig. Why PLM experience is not done yet?

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is an information management system that can integrate data, processes, business systems and, ultimately, people in an extended enterprise. This is one of the most generic definitions of PLM system you can find. For many years in enterprise software business, vendors usually missed the last element…

Cloud data management – common future for PLM and BIM?

Cloud data management – common future for PLM and BIM?

PLM vs BIM – united or separated? You might remember my article published few years ago. Also, please check PLM vs BIM – common or different. Despite PLM and BIM have many common things, both disciplines were separated for many years. And if you look on all available tools today, PLM and…

PLM, product structure and multi-level BOM. Let’s sort it out…

PLM, product structure and multi-level BOM. Let’s sort it out…

One of the complex topics in product development and manufacturing is multi-level BOM. Very often, multi-level BOM is presented as an important functionality supported by PLM systems in comparison to management of BOM using Excel spreadsheets or sometimes even ERP systems. Here is Wikipedia definition in Bill of Materials article:…

Future CAD competition will be about data management and networks

Future CAD competition will be about data management and networks

For many years, CAD competition was heavily focused on geometrical features and modeling. Still 3D modeling capabilities is a very important factor. But, the world has shrunk by the Internet. Small companies now have global reach and competition is taking new trajectories. In a new global environment, competitive pressure on…

Is there a place for “serverless” PLM systems?

Is there a place for “serverless” PLM systems?

At the beginning, PLM was a toolkit that was literally customized and build for a specific (usually large) manufacturing company. Since then, PDM / PLM vendors made a long way down to the path of how simplify applications, create pre-configured templates (best practices), improve user experience and eliminate the need…

How to displace CAD and PLM industry incumbents

How to displace CAD and PLM industry incumbents

The stories about disruption are popular in today’s media. Uber for X. Airbnb for Y. You probably heard it many times. Known as Disruptive innovation, Clayton Christensen’s theory of industry disruption by new technology or products became popular (not without some controversy) for the last 20 years since Clayton M. Christensen published…

Product Innovation Platform: I know it when I see it?

Product Innovation Platform: I know it when I see it?

Are you familiar with famous definition of pornography used in 1964 by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart? Check Wikipedia article if you want to refresh your memory: I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [“hard-core…
