Archive for July, 2017

Microsoft Graph, PLM user experience and social product development

Microsoft Graph, PLM user experience and social product development

Graphs are fascinating.  They represent the power of connection and intelligence. I’ve been following Microsoft Graph development for some time. Catch up on my earlier blog post here – Graph Technologies will empower future model of enterprise platforms. Recent news about Microsoft makeover of mobile apps caught my attention and…

PLM: from SOA to MASA (Mesh App & Service Architecture)

PLM: from SOA to MASA (Mesh App & Service Architecture)

Unless you live under the rock, you know what is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). It was style of software design where service provided to other components by applications through some sort of communication protocol via network. The basic principle was independence from technology. So components are representing logical activity with…

Tomayto, tomahto, PLM strategy and small manufacturing teams

Tomayto, tomahto, PLM strategy and small manufacturing teams

Engineers are usually get frustrated with discussions about PDM / PLM strategies and solutions. For most of them, it sounds very abstract and far for their engineering and manufacturing realities. Business process, product information, downstream and upstream processes, data continuity, etc. It sounds and feels like a different planet for…

Why small engineering [product] teams aren’t buying PDM / PLM solutions?

Why small engineering [product] teams aren’t buying PDM / PLM solutions? just published an article confirming that small design and engineering team aren’t interested much in buying and implementing data management solutions (PDM and PLM). The following picture shows you an ugly truth – 60% of users aren’t using anything but shared drives and Excel spreadsheets to manage design and…

Cloud CAD: comparison trajectories

Cloud CAD: comparison trajectories

Forbes article Roundup of Cloud Computing Forecast in 2017 gives you a perspective on how much cloud will impact business. According to the article, 74% of Tech Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) say cloud computing will have the most measurable impact on their business in 2017. Cloud computing is projected to increase…

IoT and changing PLM paradigms

IoT and changing PLM paradigms

According to IDC research, manufacturing industry is going to invest near $178bn in the next 4 years in IoT solutions. I captured this information from Raconteur article – Internet of things shaking up product production. For almost two decades, PLM was mostly solving a problem of product data management and…
