Digital Thread was one of the top topics discussed earlier this week at ConX18 – a symposium organized by Institute of Business Process Excellence. You probably had a chance to following my social media posts. If you want to get a good summary, check the following twitter hashtag search here. The event link is here.
One of the questions I asked myself before the event – what is Digital Thread. You can find the following commonly used definition of Digital thread, but as you can imagine, it is very fuzzy and not clear.
The digital thread refers to the communication framework that allows a connected data flow and integrated view of the asset’s data throughout its lifecycle across traditionally siloed functional perspectives.
I can see an importance and significance of Digital Thread concepts and implementation. Information and communication are absolutely top priority for companies today in the world of digital transformation and business changes.
Unfortunately, multiple presentation during the event confirmed some of my concerns about what happens with Digital Thread – it is becoming a buzzword and vague definition used by corporate and analytic marketing. Few years ago I shared some of my concerns about it here –Digital Thread – another name for PLMish goodness.
Twitter discussion this year brought me the following message from David Ewing of Aras Corp, which added more to my level of concern related to Digital Thread.
I collected several definitions of Digital Thread presented by companies, analysts and vendors during the event. Check on this collection from Northrop Grumman, Siemens PLM, Bentley, CIMdata, Aras and CM2.
Northrop Gumman
Aras Corp
Bentley Systems
Siemens PLM
What is my conclusion? Companies are concerned about their business at the time of digital transformation. Digital economy brings new business models, competition and potential disruption. In my view, digital thread is an absolutely important topic to discuss. However… how to avoid some marketing stuff to come and turn rational concept into another meaningless buzzword? It is probably a good topic to discuss among vendors and PLM industry community. Time will show if the rational thinking win. Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg
Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased