A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

What CYOD means for PLM?

What CYOD means for PLM?
28 May, 2013 | 2 min for reading

Do you like acronyms and buzzwords? Not much, I guess. You probably familiar with that one – BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). For the last couple of years, BYOD trend transformed and disrupted IT policies in many enterprise organizations by permitting employees to bring personally own mobile devices (laptops, tablets and smartphones) to their workspace and use them to access corporate information as well as use corporate enterprise systems.

Earlier this week, I’ve learned a new one – CYOD (Choose Your Own Device). Navigate to the following link to learn about what Gartner defines as one of the hot enterprise trends in 2013 – Evolving communications: hot enterprise technology trends for 2013. Here is an interesting passage:

This year, Gartner has predicted that mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web access device worldwide. As a consequence, increasingly connected consumers and professionals are instinctively evolving the way they communicate and operate. Amidst this surge in mobility, the most strategic enterprises are also proactively evolving their communications, recognizing key trends such as bring your own device (BYOD) and choose your own device (CYOD) as an enabler for business growth, rather than a problem that must be dealt with.

Here, speed could be a critical factor. More specifically, businesses that are swift and agile in the way they use and further the deployment of technologies within the organisation are more likely to realise important opportunities to improve internal productivity and efficiency, as well as seize the potential to further competitive advantage.

It made me think about some potential impact it will create on enterprise software vendors strategies. To increased role of mobile devices and mobile application will create a need to develop a diverse set of PLM apps independently running on mobile platforms leveraging corporate and/or cloud infrastructure. I shared some of the ideas of mobile communication and OTT application in my blog earlier this week – Will PLM pickup OTT mobile communication strategy.

What is my conclusion? The influence of mobile development in PLM will increase coming years. This is a good time for PLM vendors to move from “the same, but mobile” strategy new way to provide customers with new type of mobile applications. Speed will be indeed a very critical factor here. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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