December 31st is a great day to write recaps. 2018 was a very crazy intense with lot of stress and...
End of the year is a time to look into a crystal ball and say what is going to happen....
Holidays week is here and it means the traditional time to write ‘best of.. ‘, ‘top…’ and similar type of...
I attended The State of PLM economy webinar organized by CIMdata – leading source of information and analytics about PLM...
As world is buzzing about Aras PLM, I thought it is a great time to come and check what is...
We live surrounded by changes and transformations of digital revolution. Which means everything we knew until now can change –...
Fundamentally new technologies don’t become productive until a generation after their introduction. The time it takes people to learn how...
For many years PLM and ERP were like water and oil. One is positioned for innovation and another is positioned...
Talk to many people about PLM and they tell you that process management is one of the key elements in...
Everyone needs data, but nobody wants to be responsible for data management. I learned it during many years of working...
I’m coming with one more update the progress with my new video blog – Musings about Bill of Materials. It...
For many years, PLM companies lived with the vision and value proposition of single source of truth (SSOT). Last month...