A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

BOM Wisdoms – update about video blog progress

BOM Wisdoms – update about video blog progress
11 December, 2018 | 3 min for reading

I’m coming with one more update the progress with my new video blog – Musings about Bill of Materials. It is still very much work-in-progress I’m doing. If you missed my earlier posts, please check it here – – Musings about Bill of Materials or here 10 years of blogging and starting video blog.

Recent discussions around my videos made me think that even simplest things you might think easy to understand are actually driving lot of questions and discussions. I’m getting them online and offline. In many ways, one of them main problems in BOM management  is about communication. How to agree about basic things. You don’t think about them as complex things, but in fact when people from different departments and companies are getting involved then you understand the complexity of agreement and data management.

As part of my recent experiments, I was shooting set of very short videos to share things I can see as “wisdoms” when it comes to BOM management. I’m sure you will like some of them and you will be in disagreement with some others. It is another way for me to share knowledge and help to discuss complex issues.

Check these videos. I hope you will like them.







What is my conclusion? My video blog is still very much work in progress. I want to share information and bring discussion in the subject which is simple and complex at the same time – BOM management. BOM is fundamental and it is something everyone in manufacturing company can understand and need to work with. You can think about BOM as a list of parts in Excel and then it is really simple. But, modern manufacturing companies aren’t driven by Excel … or cannot be driven by Excel. The data is intertwined and connected. Changes are everywhere and decision often needs to be made in real time. It requires new approach and tools capable to take data management to the next levels. How to use existing PDM, PLM tools in a new realities and what new tools are available to close existing gaps and problems in BOM management? This is one of the questions, I’m trying to answer. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased

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