I’m just getting up to speed with my video blog creation. There are so many topics I want to cover, but it takes time. So, step by step. My blogging buddy Jos Voskuil just published his BOM reprise and mentioned one of my videos (thank you Jos! I owe you a picture from this blog. Actually I hope to explain to people more using videos than words :)). I’ve seen Jos’ blog too later to make a video about it, so I will be doing it next week.
Last week I was sharing my thoughts about mix of topics from general BOM management thoughts to more specific topics such as effectivity types. Here are topics:
How to improve BOM management in your company ./
Effectivity Types in BOM management
How to sync CAD and BOM management changes – Part 1.
The last topic is big, I cannot make it as a single video. So, I will dig into CAD/BOM changes in few video fragments. And look forward to your comments.
What is conclusion? BOM is fundamental and big topic for manufacturing companies. I found so much variation of what people are thinking about BOM management in the last few years. As much as it is considered not glamour comparing to digital thread and IoT, if BOM doesn’t work, you’re dead in the water of manufacturing. Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg
Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased