I was attending COFES 2019 last week. Three engineering software geeks – Brad Holtz, Evan Yares and Joel Orr founded COFES 20 years ago with the vision that conversations and community are more important than slide decks presented during the event. Here is COFES Story. If you want to be inspired and meet great people, check it for the next year. The event is transforming and I’m sure many of my readers have questions – what is look like COFES outside of Arizona?
So, I put few pictures in this post. They are just one look at COFES 2019 from me as I was focusing on how to meet and talk to people at COFES.

What is my conclusion? COFES is transforming. Changes are good. Changes can help to understand what was good and what needs to be improved. I think the spirit of COFES community goes beyond Scottsdale Plaza Resort where COFES took place for the last 19 years. I look forward to seeing how
Best, Oleg
Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing