A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

May 2019

30 May, 2019

Remember a few years ago, we had many discussions about PLM cloud. This is just one example of my article...

28 May, 2019

I’ve been catching up on reading during the past long weekend in U.S. GrabCAD article – The Need for Cloud-Based...

27 May, 2019

PLM industry has a problem. It called legacy data migrations and updates. The stories about migrating data and systems are...

24 May, 2019

PLM companies are full speed ahead in digital transformation. Every vendor is advertising how their technologies will be significantly improved...

22 May, 2019

Do you know that the Bible ranks first among literary works by a number of languages they have been translated...

21 May, 2019

It is a time to come back to Open Source software discussion. Open source was not the hottest buzzword for...

20 May, 2019

Verdi Ogewell, the Editor-in-Chief of VerkstadsForum PLM Magazine and ENGINEERING.com’s European correspondent publish his next PLM failure bombshells – Telecom...

17 May, 2019

Everyone speaks about the platforms these days. The word “platform” is overused, but all PLM vendors have started to use...

16 May, 2019

Financial information is not a typical topic in my articles. However, in a spirit of diversity in the thinking process,...

15 May, 2019

A few days ago, I shared my thoughts about Manufacturing Marketplaces and trends beyond generative design. If you missed my...

13 May, 2019

There are two things in business that you can find very hard to compete with. These are simplicity and free....

11 May, 2019

I missed CIMdata Industry Forum this year in Ann Arbor. So, I’m catching up these days on the topic of...

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