A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Looking for the cost of PLM software online in 2019? You’re almost out of luck…

Looking for the cost of PLM software online in 2019? You’re almost out of luck…
3 June, 2019 | 2 min for reading

My attention was caught by Cadalyst article – The cost of CAD in 2019. Check the article and download the PDF file with all available prices of CAD packages. Many of them are ending with “Contact company” message.

I wanted to find a similar cost review for PLM software, but I didn’t. I found a few links that comparing different PLM products. Here is one of them, which is in my view is the most comprehensive  – The Top 9 Best PLM Software In 2019 To Manage Your Product Lifecycle. But, I thought, this is a good opportunity to provide some cost comparison for PLM products.

However, I was disappointed after I created a table of leading PLM providers. Check the table below. In general, you’re out of luck. Practically, I found only two vendors providing pricing online – Aras and Autodesk. All other vendors are providing explanations about packaging, but prices are only available by request. 

Download table here.

It was more information about pricing online before. For example, some of PLM price review sites are still providing information about Arena Solutions online, but pricing is not available on Arena’s website. 

Was it a surprise? Partially… Since I was not expecting to see information about prices for the top on-premise PLM vendors, I thought SaaS vendors might provide subscription levels. Actually, I found some pricing structures (eg. Upchain), no prices, except Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle.

What is my conclusion? PLM is classified as a complex project. Technology or product price is only one (usually not dominant) component of PLM TCO. Then there are services, implementations, maintenance… you name it. So, vendors are watching competitors and always ready to bid with a lower price. Or not… It is hard to say. At least, these are my thoughts so far. Just my thoughts…

PS. OpenBOM is not PLM in a traditional way of thinking (disclaimer – I’m CEO and co-founder). But it often compared by customers to PLM systems. It is available via subscription and prices for all out of the box subscriptions are here.

Best, Oleg

Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud-based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups, and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased.

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