A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

September 2019

29 September, 2019

Agile software development was a popular thing for the last 20 years.  If you lived under the to rock check...

26 September, 2019

Earlier this week I attended TEC Talk. This is almost traditional gathering organized by TechSoft3D – a software outfit selling...

23 September, 2019

There is no lack of PLM definitions in this world. From a very simple like the version provided by Al...

21 September, 2019

Cloud application development is everywhere these days. However, CAD users are stuck in the desktop reality. There are many reasons...

20 September, 2019

The weekend is coming and this is a time for some PLM dramas. Engineering.com and Verdi Ogewell is usually not...

18 September, 2019

Last year, I asked if the Salesforce platform can accelerate cloud PLM. if you missed my article navigate your browser...

16 September, 2019

Education and information sharing about engineering and manufacturing software are one of the things that don’t let me sleep at...

14 September, 2019

For the last several weeks, we had a few very interesting discussions about PLM standards. Manufacturing companies are demanding standards...

13 September, 2019

Do you remember Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for software? Just a few years ago, Gartner was still running it for PLM...

11 September, 2019

To select a PLM system is not a simple task. A few years ago, I shared the article – How...

10 September, 2019

For the last few months, I’ve been having many discussions and debates about the current state of PLM, manufacturing trends,...

8 September, 2019

There is an elephant in the room – PLM vendors business models are built for data locking. You can hear...

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