A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

What did I learn about PI PLMx 2020 first day from Twitter?

What did I learn about PI PLMx 2020 first day from Twitter?
4 February, 2020 | 2 min for reading

PI PLMx event is happening these days in London. I wasn’t able to attend this year. The tagline How PLM delivers in the Digital Value Chain? You can also check out the agenda of the event here.

Check this out #piplmx. I will wait for more information to be shared by attendees and organizers. Meantime, everyone who shared the information the event was speaking about how “people” are influencing PLM.

People’s mindset recently became very popular in PLM discussions. While I agree that people can screw up every technology, strategy, and vision. I still think that PLM folks put too much blame on people while very often simple technologies don’t work and don’t deliver promised values.

Jos Voskuil punched me in the face by a catchy phrase – Data-Driven.

Thanks to Marc Lind of Aras, who shared a few more slides from the same presentation, I think I was able to get to the point of data-driven, which is presented in this slide.

As much as I can say, data-driven is not a magic future PLM technology and approach. but just analytics and decision support. And like all data analytics (including AI, machine learning, etc.) it is totally dependent on the quality and scope of the data. The quality of data on the left side (PLM, ERP, Process data) will define the usefulness of the entire data-driven approach. If businesses are looking for real data-driven strategy, the scope of data capture should go much beyond current PLM and ERP databases.

Last, but not least – the data sharing topic. According to Håkan Kårdén at Eurostep, there is a high demand for sharing.

And almost “traditional” in PLM discussion and conferences is a topic of PLM adoption and not realized potential.

My favorite quote or slide was by Marc Lind about the export approach in the digital thread.

What is my conclusion? People, data, sharing. In my view, these are traditional topics in PLM. During the first day of PI PLMx was presented as elements of the digital value chain. Low adoption, the problem with integrations, people apathy. These are things mentioned as challenges in realization of PLM potential. If you go to back 10 years, you can still find the same issues discussed all over again. The scope of social media streaming was too low for the event, so I might have a partial view of what happened there. I look forward to more during the second day. Thanks for attendees that tweeted and share the information.

Best, Oleg

Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud-based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups, and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased.

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