
How To Not Suck At PLM Sales?

How To Not Suck At PLM Sales?

There is something in the air these days about PLM. The awareness about PLM is growing and more companies are thinking that PLM might be a solution to solve the problem. These are good news for PLM vendors, consulting and service organizations. However, the PLM sales scene is very complex….

How to measure PLM?

How to measure PLM?

Some of my PLM friends like to say – PLM is a journey and not some kind of software. Well, I’m not sure to agree about “journey”, but I can take PLM as a process. A process, which includes all stages of product development, manufacturing, support, and maintenance. And PLM…

How many people in the world can speak PLMish?

How many people in the world can speak PLMish?

There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today. However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers. Guardian article Endangered languages: the full list is opening by shocking phrase that “the last two fluent speakers of the language Ayapaneco aren’t speaking to each other”. The article also…

How to disconnect P(olitics) from PLM and Lifecycle Management

How to disconnect P(olitics) from PLM and Lifecycle Management

Innovation is usually one of the top goals on the way PLM projects are sold to manufacturing and industrial companies.CIMdata introduced the term Product Innovation Platform  a few years back, in partnership with Gartner and IDC. It was an answer on the challenges of complex product development and complexity of…

PLM “show me the money” – practical use cases

PLM “show me the money” – practical use cases

In my article last week – How to avoid “focus on business” cliche in PLM sales , I introduced typical PLM business use cases. One of my readers commented by saying that in general you cannot escape the cost of running processes. Main cost factors are 1/ process development and 2/…

How to avoid “focus on business” cliche in PLM sales

How to avoid “focus on business” cliche in PLM sales

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts about PLM “Always be competitive” that was triggered by blog article of Sami Grönstrand of Outotec. We exchange few messages and then I stumbled on another Sam’s writeup – PLM. Cloud first? Model Based first? API first? I say: Business first. A term “business” is recently…

PLM ABC (Always Be Competitive)

PLM ABC (Always Be Competitive)

Each product has its lifecycle going from phases of introduction, growth, maturity and decline. It applies to both sides of the table in PLM – manufacturing companies and PLM vendors. Today, I wan to talk more about PLM vendors. SharePLM blog article ABC of Product Management by Sami Grönstrand made me…

Model-based confusion in 3D CAD and PLM

Model-based confusion in 3D CAD and PLM

Bad terminology is an enemy of good thinking. A running joke in PLM industry says that if you ask what is PLM in a meeting room, the number of answers is usually greater than number of people. PLM industry has a big terminology problem. It is hard to agree and…
