Future Trends

Software BOM and Modern PLM Software Development

Software BOM and Modern PLM Software Development

Long time ago, I visited a large company building mobile phones. One of the questions that was asked in the conversation – how you ensure what version of software is delivered to each device triggered debates and long conversation. The conclusion was that it is really hard to say, but…

ChatGPT Enterprise. Will we see PLM AI any time soon?

ChatGPT Enterprise. Will we see PLM AI any time soon?

In the age of digital transformation, enterprises are constantly striving to harness the vast potential of emerging technologies to stay ahead in an ever-competitive marketplace. For many years, product lifecycle management and product data management have been among the leading technologies to help manufacturing companies manage product development processes, support…

PLM Tech Trends and Challenges 2023 – Beyond Buzzwords

PLM Tech Trends and Challenges 2023 – Beyond Buzzwords

It is a long weekend in the US. The time to catch up on what you missed during the slow summertime and before the busy race toward the end of the year. If you’re a PLM professional, it is time to check what is important in the product lifecycle management…

Simplify PLM Software Complexity

Simplify PLM Software Complexity

I was invited by Domain Systems, a leading PLM service provider with decades of experience helping manufacturing companies implement PLM systems to share my thoughts about PLM simplification trends in the webinar. You can find the recording here. As the digital age advances, the intersection of manufacturing and software becomes…

Cloud-Native CAD Systems, Multi-Disciplinary Design, and Production Data

Cloud-Native CAD Systems, Multi-Disciplinary Design, and Production Data

The manufacturing industry is transforming and digitalizing. Managing data is becoming extremely important in the modern digital world. In the old fashion pre-digital environment CAD systems were fully relying on files and managing data was totally dependent either on how to manage CAD files/ Excels or to deployment of PDM…
