
Invisible Product Lifecycle Software

Invisible Product Lifecycle Software

PLM industry is transforming. We can hear sounds of transformation everywhere. Data management is getting better – we are capable to store and process a gigantic amount of information these days. Computing power is becoming elastic and available at the time we need it. New sensors and data collection technology…

Future Product Lifecycle and Digital Networks

Future Product Lifecycle and Digital Networks

Integration is an important element of manufacturing. Time ago, the meaning of integration was to build a manufacturing factory which created virtually everything needed for manufacturing at the same place. Rouge River Plant by Ford Motors was one of them. Finished in 1928 it became the largest integrated factory in…

Dassault PLM for next generation – zero files and cultural change

Dassault PLM for next generation – zero files and cultural change

Usually, it takes time and money to implement PLM system for a large company. This work requires understanding of customer business processes, learning about problems, establishing strategy and making actual implementation. This is what many people implementing PLM is calling – business transformation. It takes time to people to adopt…

Why Kickstarter projects need PLM?

Why Kickstarter projects need PLM?

Online business models are disrupting industries. E-commerce was probably one of the first disrupted segments. Just think about it… 10-15 years ago we debated if people will be ready to use their credit cards online. Changes will be coming to other industries and verticals. Manufacturing is one of them. Back…

3 things PLM can do with IoT tomorrow.

3 things PLM can do with IoT tomorrow.

I’m coming back from COFES 2014. As always, COFES, is an excellent place to get in touch with industry big thinkers and have an opportunity to discuss trending topics. One of the hot topics this year was IoT (Internet of Things). It made me think and re-think about IoT and…

Why do I want vacation resort to adopt PLM and other tech?

Why do I want vacation resort to adopt PLM and other tech?

I took few days of rest with the family on Paradise Island. Huge hotel and attractions facilities of Atlantis are impressing by size, location and weather (compared to snowing Boston). So, if you are all for pools, dolphins, coral reefs, multi-color fishes, this is a place to be. However, when…

How not to miss PLM future?

How not to miss PLM future?

The world around us is very disruptive these days. Nothing stands still. You cannot stop innovation and progress. Engineering and manufacturing software is not fastest changing domains. It explained by slow changing process, high level of complexity in product development and significant capital investment manufacturing companies made in existing PLM…

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

PLM and ERP have long “love and hate” relationships in manufacturing world. You can find lots of materials speaking about complementary roles of PLM and ERP. This is of course true. However, integration between PLM and ERP never been easy. Despite many technologies, systems and solutions available on the market,…

PLM Open Source Future – Cloud Services?

PLM Open Source Future – Cloud Services?

For the last few years, open source was one of the major disruptive factor in tech. Open source powers world’s leading tech companies. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon and many others would not exist without open source. The success of RedHat put a very optimistic business projection on the…
