How to Solve PLM & ERP?

How to Solve PLM & ERP?

PLM and ERP are two topics that always can trigger an interest from industrial companies and software vendors. The ubiquitous expansion of ERP systems (show me a large enough OEM that is not trying to answer the question of what to do with ERP) makes many companies to think that…

How to Unlock the Future of Manufacturing by Opening PLM/ERP to Connect Processes and Optimize Decision Support

How to Unlock the Future of Manufacturing by Opening PLM/ERP to Connect Processes and Optimize Decision Support

Manufacturing companies are continuously looking how to improve business processes, bring new business models, and accelerate new product development and innovation. These days it is directly connected to establishment of a digital transformation strategy and digital transformation initiatives. It helps to companies to focus on specific aspects of the business…

Engineering to Manufacturing: EBOM to MBOM Process

Engineering to Manufacturing: EBOM to MBOM Process

The process of transition from engineering to the manufacturing process is one of the most complex and requires a significant data management effort. From one side, we have design information that must be translated into the manufacturing and procurement plan. On the other side, we have the complexity of supply…

SuiteWorld 2018: Oracle NetSuite and cloud bridge between PLM and ERP

SuiteWorld 2018: Oracle NetSuite and cloud bridge between PLM and ERP

I’m coming to SuiteWorld 2018 – an annual gathering of NetSuite ERP users, partners and developers. According to the website, NetSuite is #1 Cloud ERP conference. As much as I believe, the future of manufacturing companies is to become connected in the way they can optimize and organize their processes. ERP…


PLM and ALM: How To Blend Disparate Systems?

I had chance to read an article in SD time – Organization works to blend application, product life-cycle management. Author discussing the need to integrate two separate domain – development of hardware and mechanical components and software. I think, the message is very timely made. There are lots of software…


5 Things To Know Before PLM-ERP Integration Project

Yesterday, I had chance to read the new paper by Jim Brown: Issue in Focus: The Integrated ERP-PLM Strategy. There are lots of things I agree with Jim. They are mostly in the area of strategic need for PLM-ERP as well as growing level of awareness about such need on the…


The Ugly Truth About PLM-ERP Monkey Volleyball

I had the chance to read Jim Brown’s post about SAP achievements in PLM. As usual, when PLM and ERP words come to the interplay, a very good discussion can be generated. And this is what I’ve seen this morning. I enjoyed discussion and very interesting comments. Take a look,…

PLM: Backward Evolution Into Lifelike 3D

PLM: Backward Evolution Into Lifelike 3D

Recent presentation on SolidWorks World 2010 about evolution of PLM drove me to think about what is the future of 3D and PLM in longer term. For those who haven’t had chance to see these materials, please take a look on the slide below. What we can see is the…

PLM vs. ERP: Weird or Different?

PLM vs. ERP: Weird or Different?

Discussion started last week with Jim Brown got me think more about ERP and PLM. I have to say, this is not a new topic, but thinking about it, I’m always finding new angles to see differences between ERP and PLM viewpoints. I want to make some breakdown on how…

Innovation On The PLM-ERP Edge

Innovation On The PLM-ERP Edge

This post was born as a consequence of on-going conversation with Jim Brown of TechClarity. Jim and I have a long history of discussions on different topics offline, and we are in agreement on many of them. However, in spirit of what Jim called “healthy debates”, I’d like to open…
