
Why Quality Management can be low hanging fruit for cloud PLM?

Why Quality Management can be low hanging fruit for cloud PLM?

PLM can do everything. IoT is PLM, Digital Thread is PLM. The unfortunate behavior of sales people is to over-promise what Product Lifecycle Management software can do. So, it was very refreshing to see Tech-Clarity article Does Quality Management belong to PLM. Ebook and report are sponsored by Arena Solution. The…

What process can connect PLM and ALM tools?

What process can connect PLM and ALM tools?

  Software is eating the word. Our dependencies on software is increasing. Imagine your life without few software products you’re using on everyday basis. But here is the thing… software is changing traditional products around us. Think about a car. Just a few decades ago, a car was mostly mechanical…

PLM Workflows: balance between value and complexity

PLM Workflows: balance between value and complexity

Workflows is one of the fundamental elements of all PLM products today. Workflow abstraction is easy to understand to engineers and it drove it initial adoption. Think about process, diagrams, logic of making progress in product development – workflow seems to be a logical choice. And it was… for the…

Nobody wants to use PLM products and it’s okay…

Nobody wants to use PLM products and it’s okay…

Over the many years of building enterprise systems, I have come to appreciate that building software product that is defined and differentiated by its simplicity is very hard.  It takes time, knowledge, talent and a lot of work to create simplicity. I want to come back and talk about simplicity…

Who needs single source of truth for BoM?

Who needs single source of truth for BoM?

One of my best blogging buddies in product lifecycle management and President of Lifecycle Insight Chad Jackson open 2016 with a very provocative statement – A Single Source of the Truth for the BOM Still Doesn’t Exist. The article speaks about complexity of BoM management between different engineering disciplines –…

Spreadsheets vs PLM dilemma to manage BoM

Spreadsheets vs PLM dilemma to manage BoM

Bill of Materials (BoM) is a vital part of every product definition. In engineering and product development everything starts and stops with the development of BoM. It is essential for complex products such as aircraft and automobile. But BoM is equally important for small hardware startup just getting off the…

Component, costs and BoM collaboration

Component, costs and BoM collaboration

Cost is one of the most important drivers to optimize manufacturing and operations. But at the same time, this is not a single criteria when you think about optimization of your product design and component selections. The way to look about it is to think about complete ecosystem combining manufacturing,…

Will “cloud” change the way we integrate PLM and ERP?

Will “cloud” change the way we integrate PLM and ERP?

Integration has a very important role in PLM implementations. PLM is intended to manage design and engineering aspects of product development. ERP is intended to manage manufacturing resources, process and inventory. Therefore PLM and ERP are complementary. Most of PLM implementations I’ve seen in my life, required PLM-ERP integration. At…

Mass customization and 3D Make Services

Mass customization and 3D Make Services

Mass production involves making many copies of product, very quickly for lowest possible cost. It is all about producing standardized products using assembly lines. The term mass production was invented almost 100 years and it became a symbol of Industrial Revolution. Here is the news… It looks like that era…

PLM vs Excel: Bullfight and Prohibition

PLM vs Excel: Bullfight and Prohibition

PLM has love and hate relationships with Excel spreadsheets. PLM vendors are spending marketing dollars campaigning to replace Excel. The last post by Lionel Grealou caught my attention during the weekend. Navigate to read PLM vs Excel post here. In addition to to almost traditional confirmation that PLM can outperform Excel…
