Two published stories drove my attention and got me to think again about various dimensions of social PLM development. Dion...
I want to talk today about PLM and consumers. One of the very important sides of Product Lifecycle Management is...
The following article got to my attention this morning. Newsgator started back in 2004 as RSS syndication and stretching their...
In my view, there is a very strong interest from PLM community to something called “Social PLM”. You probably had...
Do you think PLM is about a process, right? Reading last buzz about social networking and product development I actually...
I’m looking on SolidJott plug-in for SolidWorks. My opinion, that social tools need to be integrated into CAD environment. The...
Note… Reading very interesting study about higher vulnearability of social networkers. We are all very excited about advantages of PLM...
I think that I’m not exaggerating by saying that every conversation about “collaboration” last week started from the Google Wave...
Last month, I wrote a few posts about Bill of Materials. My interest was to investigate how to improve Bill...
I’d like to get back to the idea of how to reuse potential of social networks in organization. In the...
Personalization is one of the today’s trends in product development. More and more manufacturers are discovering the ability to develop...
I’m getting back again to the topic of PLM content. I think this is one of the most exciting topics...