Coming question from Business Intelligence space. There are already several companies dealing with cloud BI – Pentaho, Good Data Corp....
Short prompt – Steve Letford, technical solution specialist in Microsoft New Zealand mentioned that FAST Search Technologies will be mated...
Thinking in loud. I’m looking over many user interfaces of PLM systems and reading “Don’t make me think“. Why every...
My short conclusion after very productive discussion about how to move PLM to mainstream. First of all, I enjoyed it...
Interesting prompt in my view. I was reading Stephen Arnold’s post “Open Source Dust Up“. Some interesting facts, thoughts and...
I’m very happy to share article by Kenneth Wong in DE Online. One Small Step for Office, One Giant Leap...
Very Loud Prompt- Google building 3D hardware boost into Chrome. Brad Chen, engineering manager of the Google Native Client said...
I’m looking on SolidJott plug-in for SolidWorks. My opinion, that social tools need to be integrated into CAD environment. The...
Loud prompt – Microsoft is releasing Office 2010 version, which will include free Office 2010 browser version. Take a look...
Very impressive capabilities of Google Docs including Auto-playfeatures. I think presentation becomes very mature.Two questions incontext of this information I...
Short prompt – I’m looking on definition of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Product Information Management (PIM). Product lifecycle management...
I think we are moving fast toward combination of virtual and physical worlds. How we can get closer and combine...