Search Results For: “EC2”

PLM Competition and “True Cloud” Solutions

PLM Competition and “True Cloud” Solutions

CAD, PLM and engineering software world is very competitive. Time ago, CAD vendors competed on the number of features. It is not unusual to see lists that comparing features and functions. However, nowadays the competition on features becomes useless. In the era of iPad apps and Web 2.0, you can…

My Experience with Dassault V6 PLM Cloud on Amazon

My Experience with Dassault V6 PLM Cloud on Amazon

This week was packed with multiple announcements and events. One of them happened in Paris – first Dassault Application Innovation Summit. I wasn’t able to attend and followed this event via twitter, press release and publications in blogosphere. Few blog publications I noted specifically – Dassault Systems to deliver Amazon…

How to Virtualize PLM?

How to Virtualize PLM?

Virtualization becomes an important piece of modern technological solutions. The time of physical servers is over. Businesses are actively seeking how to optimize the IT and backend deployment. As part of these activities, businesses are starting to rely on the ability to virtualize enterprise servers into scalable physical server machines….


PLM and Scaling Options

I’ve been thinking about how possible to change PLM development trajectory and scale PLM adoption in the market. Thinking about other industries, I came to the conclusion that many of them are locked to scale because of two main reasons: 1/ it was too complex; 2/it was too expensive. It…


Cloud and PLM Solution Evaluation

I think, Enterprise Software is not simple. And Product Lifecycle Management is not an exception and even one of the most complicated pieces of enterprise software. I had chance to discuss how to simplify PLM. However, today, I want to talk about how possible to evaluate PLM solution. Cloud computing, in…


PLM and Virtualization Technologies

I’m constantly looking for new technologies and perspectives of PLM improvement. For the last time, we discussed many products and technological trends such as a cloud and cloud software social software, simplicity, open source software etc. However, I found one was not touched by myself at all. So, I’d like…

Where is the PLM shortcut to the cloud?

Where is the PLM shortcut to the cloud?

 I definitely think that “cloud” will become the buzzword of the year 2009. As the number of cloud-based announcements is growing, I tried to see where PLM of its into this cloud race. So far, I’ve observed three main trends companies are using to jump  on the cloud-related business.  1.   …


Putting your Design on a Cloud

In my previous posts I already touched on “cloud services” aspects of product delivery and operation. There are multiple examples of cloud services available today, starting from probably the most established Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2, followed by Google, and, as well, the latterly announced Microsoft Azure Service Platform. These…
