Search Results For: “granularity”

From PLM Databases To Product Data

From PLM Databases To Product Data

Earlier this week, I shared my views about the future of data in PLM. Check this out here. Data is a foundational block for every organization and it is an ultimate source of intelligence that can be used by manufacturing companies to improve their processes and products. Data is an…

Multi-Cloud PLM?

Multi-Cloud PLM?

In one of my last blogs last year, I talked about the evolution of PLM system architecture. I’ve got many questions offline and online asking me about specific aspects of architecture, vendors, and approaches. While cloud seems to be inevitable, the question about cloud adoption, cloud architecture, and how it…

Basic Elements of SaaS PLM

Basic Elements of SaaS PLM

Cloud and SaaS are getting high attention these days of PLM vendors and customers. The interest is driven by many benefits cloud technologies and SaaS applications can bring to both manufacturing companies and vendors. Multi-tenancy is a key element of SaaS applications, but unfortunately, the terminology is often misleading and…

PLM multi-clouds

PLM multi-clouds

For the last few years, PLM community and vendors got used to the word “cloud”. You can see that every vendor has cloud PLM or cloud-ready or cloud-enabled solution.  However, cloud seems to be an old news. I’ve got an email from TechTarget telling me that the “word of today”…

PLM modeler software wasteland

PLM modeler software wasteland

My article earlier this week about complexity and challenges of MBSE and PLM models raised a good number of comments and online conversations. One of my favorites was a discussion with Pawel Chadzynski, Senior Director, Product Management at Aras Corporation. He was also an author of the MBSE presentation. You…

Can CAD files and cloud-based collaboration work together?

Can CAD files and cloud-based collaboration work together?

Collaboration is one of these words that always created lot of confusion. For the last few years, we’ve seen CAD companies are actively focusing on enabling collaboration in 3D context – a long list of companies can be placed here, startups and established 3D CAD vendors were working to provide…
