How complex to choose a PDM system in 2020?

How complex to choose a PDM system in 2020?

My attention was caught by Jim Brown’s article – Product Data Management Buyer’s Guide (buyer’s guide). The article speaks about the selection of the PDM system. I tried to download the white paper but wasn’t able to do it, so I was only able to read a summary. It is…

Cloud CAD and Data Management Beyond PDM Vault

Cloud CAD and Data Management Beyond PDM Vault

CAD data management is an interesting topic. It was discussed so many times between software vendors, analysts, and customers. As long as I remember myself in the business of CAD, PDM, and PLM, the tools helping engineers to manage and fine CAD data were around. Software vendors actively promoted the…

Design Centric SaaS PLMs

Design Centric SaaS PLMs

Earlier last week, I attended the PTC Onshape Product Development Cloud Forum. Check out my article here () if you missed it. I found very interesting the trajectory Onshape is taking after the PTC acquisition last year. Design-centric PLM- this is a phrase I’ve head in that meeting resonating with…

PDM Business Stalemate?

PDM Business Stalemate?

I’m often getting emails with the questions about how to find a lightweight PDM system. PDM is around for more than three decades and still, the question about a good and affordable PDM keeps keep coming. With all experience, CAD and PLM vendors have, why PDM is still a problem…

How to avoid mistakes in Engineering BOM management

How to avoid mistakes in Engineering BOM management

My last week’s OpenBOM article How to Manage EBOM and MBOM () triggered a good discussion on LinkedIn and offline, which gave me the indication that the topic is far from conclusion. Check for comments on the LinkedIn article here. From my experience, there is no PLM implementation in the…

What happened with PDM for the last 10 years – probably nothing?

What happened with PDM for the last 10 years – probably nothing?

Everyone needs data. But nobody wants to manage it. I’ve learned it for many years of working with the engineering team and manufacturing companies. The problem is the same for teams and companies of all sizes. Although it might have different flavors if you work within large enterprise, medium-size manufacturing…

Onshape + PTC = What Happened?

Onshape + PTC = What Happened?

Earlier this week, PTC announced about the acquisition of Onshape, the company started by a group of CAD industry veterans including former Solidworks founders and employees in 2012. I attended a special briefing organized by PTC where I was able to hear Jim Hepplemann, CEO of PTC, and Jon Hirschtick,…

Onshape Boston User Group Meeting – Why Local Meetings Matter?

Onshape Boston User Group Meeting – Why Local Meetings Matter?

Yesterday evening I attended the first Onshape Boston User Group meeting. The meeting was organized in the Onshape office in Cambridge. I’ve been in this office many times before. My main interest in this meeting was to learn more about communities in the era of cloud systems. And specifically engineering…

TEC Talk Boston: Manufacturing and Construction Smile

TEC Talk Boston: Manufacturing and Construction Smile

Earlier this week I attended TEC Talk. This is almost traditional gathering organized by TechSoft3D – a software outfit selling visualization software and development tools to many of CAD and other software vendors and industrial customers. If you first time heard about TechSoft3D. The core product was developed many years…
