
PLM ABC (Always Be Competitive)

PLM ABC (Always Be Competitive)

Each product has its lifecycle going from phases of introduction, growth, maturity and decline. It applies to both sides of the table in PLM – manufacturing companies and PLM vendors. Today, I wan to talk more about PLM vendors. SharePLM blog article ABC of Product Management by Sami Grönstrand made me…

PTC Navigate, Industrial Innovation and future of PLM overlays

PTC Navigate, Industrial Innovation and future of PLM overlays

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts about Aras PLM replacement strategy. Check this link for more information. Today, I want to share an opposite view from PTC. I had a chance to attend think tank session organized by Zerowait-state and PTC. We discussed the reality of modern PLM including technology, competition and…

How to win PLM SaaS race

How to win PLM SaaS race

Once upon a time companies didn’t use SaaS (cloud) software. I remember first time I said “cloud” world more than a decade ago during one of the meetings. It sounded completely crazy and nobody really understood what does it mean. And then changes started to happen. Gradually and then suddenly,…

Is it a time for PLM Cloud 2.0?

Is it a time for PLM Cloud 2.0?

In technology world, there is a perception that the company that wins is the one that enters first into the game. It called “first mover” advantage. To be first mover is risky and costly experience. Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, investor and entrepreneur believes differently.  “First mover isn’t what’s…

Why traditional PLM ranking is dead. PLM ranking 2.0

Why traditional PLM ranking is dead. PLM ranking 2.0

Recent Forrester Wave report open a discussion in the industry about comparison between PLM vendors. I published m thoughts few weeks ago – What I’ve learned about PLM leaders from Forrester Wave. Few other publications came later speaking about how much assessment done by Forrester is reflecting the reality of…

PLM reports – how to compare apples and oranges

PLM reports – how to compare apples and oranges

Recent Forrester Wave report made some turbulence in PLM world. I shared my thoughts in my earlier blog –What I learned about PLM leaders from Forrester Wave report. Aras $100 millions revenues based on the Forrester research criteria was an interesting surprise. While Dassault Systemes, Siemens PLM and PTC are…
