
Why PLM sales are stuck in organizational politics?

Why PLM sales are stuck in organizational politics?

Last week I blogged about PLM selection politics. People are hard and political games in an organization are unavoidable.Existing PLM architecture demand significant preparation work to be done upfront – data modeling, process discovery and agreement, data mapping, legacy data cleaning and importing, etc. This is a big project and…

PLM big data projects can fail to deliver fast ROI

PLM big data projects can fail to deliver fast ROI

Data is a new oil. Businesses are learning it every day. For the last 5-6 years, many businesses have moved from ignoring the data assets to hysterically collecting every piece of information.Few months ago, I shared some of my thoughts in the article – Big data expectation and reality. There…

Mature CAD-PLM vendors and future startup behavior

Mature CAD-PLM vendors and future startup behavior

Shifts in a rapidly changing manufacturing world and dramatic changes internet is bringing to digital economy might become a challenge for large software vendors. We all know almost classical examples of Kodak, IBM and DEC. These new digital behaviors can make existing business models irrelevant. Large software vendors that have…

Will chatbots simplify PLM user experience?

Will chatbots simplify PLM user experience?

Last year I’ve made a crazy prediction that your next PLM workflow manager will be a bot. As much as crazy the idea was last year it looks like serious now. Enterprise software companies are investing into development of chatbots. Earlier today, my attention was caught by Deloitte University Press…

Cloud and escape path from PLM revision lockdown

Cloud and escape path from PLM revision lockdown

Large manufacturing companies have long love and hate relationships with enterprise software technologies and specifically CAD and PLM systems. These projects are usually taking years to accomplish and then require tons of money to maintain and improve. This is a reality of large enterprises. Not much you can do about…

Microsoft Power Apps and PLM workflows

Microsoft Power Apps and PLM workflows

CMS wire blog article written by David Roe brought news about Microsoft Power Apps. Navigate here to read more. Power Apps is a set of new Microsoft tools providing business solutions for enterprise customers. It specifically target non-developers and addressing the advantages of configurations vs customization. Here is my favorite passage: “We…

Fragmentation and Decentralization in Product Development

Fragmentation and Decentralization in Product Development

Centralization was a big deal in manufacturing 100 years ago. Famous River Rouge Factory was a giant plant that literally took an iron ore at one end and sent automobiles out the other. In 1917, doing everything in a single integrated factory seemed to Ford the only possible way to get…

Facebook At Work and Designing Airplanes

Facebook At Work and Designing Airplanes

We are not Going to Design an Airplane on Facebook! Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity said it on his blog back in 2009. That was the era of early debates about PLM and social software. Navigate here to read the historical blog and COFES 2009 debates. You can find audio-recording of these…

Single BOM (Bill of Materials) journey

Single BOM (Bill of Materials) journey

Single BOM is such of these topics that usually drives lot of debates. You can catch up on my very earlier article about “Single BOM” topic – Seven rules towards single Bill of Materials and Single BOM in six steps. I’ve learned a lot from manufacturing companies about how they use BOM and…
