
AU2016 Keynote – Machine Intelligence and Software for Teams

AU2016 Keynote – Machine Intelligence and Software for Teams

I attended Autodesk University 2016 opening keynote yesterday. 10’000 people crowd, crazy loud music and future vision of engineering software. Autodesk CTO Jeff Kowalski and CEO Carl Bass kicked it off sharing perspective on future trends and opportunities of technologies and engineering software future. The following  2 topics caught my…

Future Product Lifecycle and Digital Networks

Future Product Lifecycle and Digital Networks

Integration is an important element of manufacturing. Time ago, the meaning of integration was to build a manufacturing factory which created virtually everything needed for manufacturing at the same place. Rouge River Plant by Ford Motors was one of them. Finished in 1928 it became the largest integrated factory in…

PLM and New Manufacturing in a Networked World

PLM and New Manufacturing in a Networked World

For the last decade, many industries learned lesson or two about disruption and how internet and other technologies can change the reality of their businesses. It happened to publishing and newspapers. The way we consume news is radically different (although we still can see printed newspapers around). Uber and Airbnb are leading…

Four P’s of future Product Lifecycle Management

Four P’s of future Product Lifecycle Management

Since I shifted my focus on PLM consulting, I had a chance to meet and talk to many people about PLM. Some of them are using PLM system and like it, some of them are hating PLM systems. And guess what, many of them have no idea how PLM can…

The foundation for next PLM platforms

The foundation for next PLM platforms

Platform. This is a sweet word in a lexicon of every developer. The desire of software vendors is to become a platform to fuel the development of other products and serve needs of customers. In my debates with Chad Jackson about granularity and integration earlier this month, I outlined what, in…

Why so hard to break PLM into components?

Why so hard to break PLM into components?

Product Lifecycle Management is not a software. It is business strategy and approach. One of my blog readers mentioned that in the discussion few days ago. Nevertheless, manufacturing companies are usually talking about PLM systems and platforms as something solid and unbreakable. The same picture you can see when looking…

How not to miss PLM future?

How not to miss PLM future?

The world around us is very disruptive these days. Nothing stands still. You cannot stop innovation and progress. Engineering and manufacturing software is not fastest changing domains. It explained by slow changing process, high level of complexity in product development and significant capital investment manufacturing companies made in existing PLM…

PLM Software and Open Source Contribution

PLM Software and Open Source Contribution

Open source is a topic that raised many controversy in the last decade. Especially if you speak about enterprise software. The trajectory of open source software moved from absolute prohibition to high level of popularization. In my view, the situation is interesting in the context of PLM software. The specific…
