
Product Lifecycle for New Hardware Projects

Product Lifecycle for New Hardware Projects

New Product Introduction (NPI) is a tough work. PLM vendors scoped NPI or NPID as a solution to prevent delays in new product development and deliveries. In a nutshell, a typical PLM NPI solution is a waterfall project management activity with milestones. Nothing wrong with project managements and delivering of…

How new manufacturing will impact CAD & PLM

How new manufacturing will impact CAD & PLM

The world is changing. The power of manufacturing industries in the past was predicted by money, manufacturing facilities, assembly lines with workers and expensive equipment combined with advantages of mass production manufacturing model. Now take a deep breath, close Facebook app on your smartphone – things are going to change….

5 elements of PLM for hardware startup

5 elements of PLM for hardware startup

I started a series of blog posts about PLM dedicated to hardware startups. In my previous article, I explained why important to setup a product lifecycle management strategy at the early stages of your product development. It might be not needed at the prototyping stage. But it is critical to…

PLM 101: Product Lifecycle for Hardware Startups

PLM 101: Product Lifecycle for Hardware Startups

If you’re in the manufacturing business, I’m sure you’ve heard about PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). And the thing you probably heard is “PLM is for large companies”. As far as you are concerned about your hardware startup business, you might think PLM is not important and that you can do…

PLM Alphabet and Google Hardware Projects

PLM Alphabet and Google Hardware Projects

ECM, PDM, PLM, MDM, ERP, CRM… you are familiar with the soup of acronyms used by enterprise software to fight for a place to provide a holistic solution for enterprise manufacturing business. E[E] blog post by Ed Lapotegui speaks about how to put PLM in the box. I like the…

How PLM can simulate a potential hardware hack

How PLM can simulate a potential hardware hack

Products are getting more complex. Sensors, connected devices, cloud software – you can see these elements in almost every hardware product nowadays. Which brings an additional level of vulnerability into products we use. The story about hacking Jeep vehicle on a highway), made me think about how PLM software can prevent this situation. If…

Will PLM and ALM prevent a car from being hacked?

Will PLM and ALM prevent a car from being hacked?

Integration of hardware and software is a topic in mind of many manufacturing companies these days. PLM was traditionally focused on mechanical and lately on electronic topics cannot ignore more software. Software developers are using a different set of tools for configuration management. For long time ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)…

Brutal reality of process management for hardware startup

Brutal reality of process management for hardware startup

Startup company and process management. These are probably two most conflicting definitions you might think about. Everyone is familiar with famous Zuckerber’s statement – move fast and break things. How process management can survive in such environment? Although Facebook is more careful these days about “breaking things”, startups are still…

The route beyond PLM – m3 Manufacturing 4.0 meetup

The route beyond PLM – m3 Manufacturing 4.0 meetup

I’ve been attending m3 Manufacturing meetup in Berlin earlier this week. It was a very interesting gathering of makers, hardware geeks and manufacturers. Absolutely crazy agenda organized by Lutz Villalba, founder of Makercloud.io. More information about the event is here. Photos from the event is here. I wanted to share…
