A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


27 August, 2009

I’m coming with new discussion related to how we can successfully implement Product Lifecycle Management. I think, this issue is...

12 August, 2009

Product Lifecycle Management pretend to manage everything in the organization that related to product, information about product, development IP etc...

27 July, 2009

I had chance to discuss PLM adoption rate already several time. I think, adoption rate, is one of the factors...

6 July, 2009

I was reading an amazing post by Larry Cheng: Relative Value vs. Absolute Value. This made me think  about how...

5 June, 2009

I was reading Jos Voskuil’s post, “Where does PLM start beyond document management”. I think Jos raised a very valid...

4 June, 2009

I’d like to discuss a topic which is probably the most “non technological” topic I have ever discussed in this...

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