A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


3 August, 2023

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a transformative approach that, if implemented properly, can provide immense value to any engineering team...

29 January, 2023

It is 2023 and any manufacturing company in the world at a certain moment of its existence will ask a...

17 June, 2021

In my recent article – 5 Things PLM Vendor Won’t Tell You But Should, I discussed things that usually are...

23 September, 2020

It’s so difficult to see what is going on when you’re in the middle of something? It’s only with hindsight...

19 December, 2019

I’m a big fan of simplicity. What made me to believe in simplicity? I think it came with the experience....

27 November, 2018

My attention was caused by Aras blog – Are You in a Bad PLM Relationship? written by Mark Reisig. Nice...

4 June, 2018

In my article last week – How to avoid “focus on business” cliche in PLM sales , I introduced typical PLM...

3 January, 2017

PLM implementations are slow. Cloud PLM reduced the level of complexity, but still there are things that cloud PLM cannot...

20 October, 2016

  Culture eats strategy for breakfast. You probably heard the phrase usually attributed to Peter Druker. Did Peter Druker really said this?...

27 May, 2016

To select PLM system can be a complicated project. But let’s imagine the moment you’ve made a choice and decided about PLM...

8 December, 2015

PLM implementations are usually taking long time, cost money and resources. Manufacturing companies are blaming vendors for overselling and excessive...

19 October, 2015

The topic of “best practices” in PLM implementations usually brings lot of controversy. Since the time PDM and PLM technologies and...

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