A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


6 July, 2015

In engineering world, digital vs. analog differentiation can be explained in a very precise manner –  analog is using electrical signals. Opposite...

9 September, 2014

Have you heard about “makers”? If you are in manufacturing business, you probably should pay attention to that. You may...

14 January, 2014

How do you trap a big monkey in a small cage the size of a banana? Easy! You place a...

13 January, 2014

Crossing boundaries is always lots of fun and opportunities. In blogging, it usually sparks so many discussions between people you...

12 October, 2012

I’m sure, you learned about two industrial revolutions back in your school-time. First industrial revolution started in 18th century in...

3 October, 2012

I’m in Moscow these days to attend the first Autodesk University Russia (AU.Ru). Even so, I feel like attending multiple...

3 July, 2012

Social becomes a norm these days. It is interesting to see how many things surrounding us transformed and wearing “social...

16 July, 2010

My new website and blog is BeyondPLM. The original post is here. I read an article “PLM’s Vertical Challenge” in...

16 July, 2010

I read an article “PLM’s Vertical Challenge” in High Tech Views. The High Tech article is presenting advantages of industry-oriented...

26 March, 2010

COFES 2010 is just around the corner, and I had chance to discuss with Brad Holtz of Cyon Research the...

16 March, 2010

The question of industry specific solutions in PLM was always interesting for me. Time ago, I asked in one of...

29 December, 2009

We are very close to the New Year Eve and this is time to come prepared with your wishes in...

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