
Federated PLM vs Monolithic Multi-CAD PDM: Trends and Challenges

Federated PLM vs Monolithic Multi-CAD PDM: Trends and Challenges

I was catching up on social media reading over the weekend, and my attention was caught by Matthias Ahrens post speaking about about multi-CAD PDM support and federated PLM architecture. Check this out here. Here is the key passage: ….it seems that each PLM system has its favorite CAD system,…

Navigating the Complexities of PLM-ERP Integration with Graph Models and Modern Digital Product Data

Navigating the Complexities of PLM-ERP Integration with Graph Models and Modern Digital Product Data

Combining multiple systems in manufacturing sector to work together is always a complex thing to do. In the engineering and manufacturing world, PLM and ERP software integrations is a greatest example of complexity. Combining complex business processes and engineering disciplines including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic design, software and applying…

PLM+ERP Integration and Future Digital Thread

PLM+ERP Integration and Future Digital Thread

Last month, I published a series of articles about PLM and ERP exploring the war between both systems for data ownership, different strategies of PLM and ERP vendors, and how I can see some future strategies in the development of integrations between PLM and ERP systems. Also, I was exploring…

PLM vs ERP – How To Achieve Synergy?

PLM vs ERP – How To Achieve Synergy?

I started my series of articles about PLM and ERP by speaking about PLM vs ERP Tug of War, continued about how PLM and ERP can change the battleground, and finally sharing my thoughts about PLM vs ERP growth opportunities. In these articles, I discovered what separates PLM and ERP…

Will SAP and Siemens come on the same BOM?

Will SAP and Siemens come on the same BOM?

A little bit more than one month ago, two giant companies, Siemens and SAP announced their partnership to deliver integrated end-to-end software solutions across the product lifecycle, supply chain, and asset management. If you missed my first article about what means the combination of Siemens and SAP software for PLM…

PLM and Web API – the route towards digital transformation

PLM and Web API – the route towards digital transformation

Every PLM implementation means lot of integration services. I hardly can remember at least one PLM implementation that was done without “coding” of something. PLM usually comes in the intersection of roads between sales, marketing, requirement, engineering and manufacturing, PLM always requires some data massaging, importing and transformation. With massive…

Future PLM integration: data service standards vs open REST APIs?

Future PLM integration: data service standards vs open REST APIs?

I learned yesterday that integration is ranked more important then security with end users in ongoing CIMdata cloud PLM survey. It was mentioned by Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata VP of Research. You can download ebook from CIMdata website here. The book was sponsored by PTC, so it has some PTC cloud…
