
How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

Modern cloud technologies are a foundation of SaaS business, which in a nutshell means turn software products into digital services. Have you heard the new term – SaaSification? The first time I’ve heard about it was about five years ago- check Forbes’ – How Saasification is taking the Tech by…

PTC Uber Vision for Onshape

PTC Uber Vision for Onshape

Earlier today, I attended the first-ever Onshape virtual customer event – Onshape Live 21. Since I’ve been following Onshape for a long time since their first public Beta was launched. Onshape’s first customer event was an interesting place to watch where Onshape is growing. According to PTC CEO, Jim Hepplemann,…

Who Wants To Kill The CAD File?

Who Wants To Kill The CAD File?

The file is a fundamental concept in any operating system. Files are one of the most popular mechanisms for data exchange. At the same time, files are insanely complex and contribute to many problems. Here is what Steve Jobs said about files. In every user interface study we’ve ever done…

3DX Platform – The Freedom To Compete?

3DX Platform – The Freedom To Compete?

3D EXPERIENCE WORLD 2021 was live earlier this week and I was watching a few sessions. Moving from products to experience – Bernard Charles, Vice Chairman and CEO of Dassault Systemes was telling it from the virtual stage of 3DX21. The grand vision of DS is to target the pain…

How To Build A Connected Lifecycle?

How To Build A Connected Lifecycle?

Connected is such a powerful word. We like it and it feels good. We like to be connected these days. There are many systems to help us to stay connected – web sites, social networks, messaging applications, video chat… you name it. However, when it comes to enterprise applications and…

PTC SaaSification Trajectories

PTC SaaSification Trajectories

Unless you lived under the rock for the last several years, you’ve heard about SaaSification. This funny term was changing entire industries. Read Forbes article – How ‘SaaSification’ Is Taking The Tech World By Storm. The greatest value the cloud offers is the ability to use technology to scale business…

5 Dimensions to Compare Single Tenant vs Multi-Tenant Cloud PLM Models

5 Dimensions to Compare Single Tenant vs Multi-Tenant Cloud PLM Models

The discussion about single-tenant vs multi-tenant cloud PLM models is getting more interesting every day. And it is not only because it can create a major differentiator for systems that the PLM industry didn’t see since inventing parametric feature modelers and bringing PCs and Windows machines into the professional business….
