
PTC Atlas and SaaSification Trajectories 2022

PTC Atlas and SaaSification Trajectories 2022

PTC is moving to SaaS. The move started with the acquisition of Onshape and turning it into the Atlas platform. You can find some interesting and useful conversations about that in this Seeking Alfa transcript from PTC Q2 2021 Results. PTC provides a deep insight into its SaaS strategy and…

CAD & PLM Applications, Data-Centric Architectures, and Cloud-Native Systems

CAD & PLM Applications, Data-Centric Architectures, and Cloud-Native Systems

Engineering and manufacturing systems are moving to the cloud. Born in the cloud, “cloud-native” systems are more efficient, scalable, and reliable than traditional systems. A big part of this shift is data-centric architecture. Data-centric architectures move away from monolithic data management systems towards granular and flexible data model that allows…

What Did We Learn From 10 Years of Cloud CAD Development?

What Did We Learn From 10 Years of Cloud CAD Development?

Has your business fully adopted cloud-based CAD? While the technology has been around for more than a decade, the jury is still out and it looks like many engineers and businesses are still unsure of cloud CAD benefits. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what we’ve learned…

PLM Downstream Battle Beyond CAD Design

PLM Downstream Battle Beyond CAD Design

The world is more connected these days than ever before. Since COVID19 is in charge of digital transformation, millions of people were literally forced to work remotely and learn how to connect in the virtual environment and keep their works and goals. Engineers and manufacturing companies were part of this…
