TechSoft 3D Boston Summit 2023 – My Takeaways 

TechSoft 3D Boston Summit 2023 – My Takeaways 

Early this week, I attended TechSoft 3D Boston Summit. If you’re not familiar with TechSoft 3D, check them out. It is one of the most invisible technological companies in the CAD world providing infrastructure for 3D development, viewers and translations tools for many industrial companies and CAD vendors. Agenda and…

Software BOM and Modern PLM Software Development

Software BOM and Modern PLM Software Development

Long time ago, I visited a large company building mobile phones. One of the questions that was asked in the conversation – how you ensure what version of software is delivered to each device triggered debates and long conversation. The conclusion was that it is really hard to say, but…

PLM – The Glass Bead Game Dilemma?

PLM – The Glass Bead Game Dilemma?

The LinkedIn post about upcoming roundtable and discussion with an interesting topic –Creating a Profession for PLM Practitioners triggered some interesting debates online. It brought me back to almost forgotten discussions about PLM definitions and, at the same time, reminded me my old article –How many people in the world…

Mastering PLM Software Selection: 7 Blunders to Sidestep in 2023

Mastering PLM Software Selection: 7 Blunders to Sidestep in 2023

The industrial world is changing and so product lifecycle management (PLM) software. Back decades ago, PLM software was only for large defense, auto and aero companies building gigantic programs and it required millions in investment. Things are changing and manufacturing landscape is different from what was 15-20 years ago. Product…

SaaS PLM Sales and Implementation Challenges

SaaS PLM Sales and Implementation Challenges

Summer is here with a bit of relaxing August time. But we all know what is coming later – the end of Q3 and Q4 with the end-of-year sales rallies. I can see this time is usually filled with very high sales and implementation activities in PLM projects. Today, I…

Is Engineering Focus Killing Your PLM Sales?

Is Engineering Focus Killing Your PLM Sales?

What is PLM? This question is accompany the product lifecycle management business for the last 20+ years. Started as a solution to manage CAD files, PLM has strong engineering roots and for many years was considered a pure engineering system. Check CIMdata reports from my last trip to CIMdata Industry…

5 Things Stopping Engineering Teams and Manufacturing Companies from Adopting PLM

5 Things Stopping Engineering Teams and Manufacturing Companies from Adopting PLM

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a transformative approach that, if implemented properly, can provide immense value to any engineering team or an entire manufacturing company. However, despite its potential, many companies are still facing significant challenges in adopting this comprehensive solution. Working with many customers of any size from small…

Engineering to Manufacturing: EBOM to MBOM Process

Engineering to Manufacturing: EBOM to MBOM Process

The process of transition from engineering to the manufacturing process is one of the most complex and requires a significant data management effort. From one side, we have design information that must be translated into the manufacturing and procurement plan. On the other side, we have the complexity of supply…
