
Digital distribution and product lifecycle

Digital distribution and product lifecycle

Digital environment is changing habits and behaviors of people and businesses. Last month I was sharing my thoughts how digital transformation can reshape boundaries between PLM, ERP and MES. The vision of digital transformation requires from PLM vendors to have a full control over the integrated product data in a…

Why PLM sales is stuck in overwhelming workflows

Why PLM sales is stuck in overwhelming workflows

PLM has deep roots into process and workflows. You can find pieces of process implementation everywhere – starting from CAD file lifecycle workflows and ending with complex business processes between engineering and manufacturing. I share some of my thoughts about complexity of workflow earlier – Why is hard to implement…

Cloud PLM and Sales Gravitation

Cloud PLM and Sales Gravitation

PLM was born as a solution for large companies. The complexity of enterprise product development, engineering, manufacturing and supply chain is huge. Hence systems like ENOVIA, Teamcenter and Windchill are armed to solve very complex data and process management tasks. But the question about small to medium companies was always…

PLM Business Growth and Sales Super Rep

PLM Business Growth and Sales Super Rep

PLM sales process is painful. Think about PLM sales rep. For him, PLM sales process is a long journey of building consensus in a prospect organization, following engineering groups and CIO organization, planning meetings, quoting industry analysts,  learning about complexity of a prospect manufacturing companies, bringing references from existing customers,…

PLM vs Excel: Bullfight and Prohibition

PLM vs Excel: Bullfight and Prohibition

PLM has love and hate relationships with Excel spreadsheets. PLM vendors are spending marketing dollars campaigning to replace Excel. The last post by Lionel Grealou caught my attention during the weekend. Navigate to read PLM vs Excel post here. In addition to to almost traditional confirmation that PLM can outperform Excel…

Growth hacking PLM sales

Growth hacking PLM sales

Enterprise sales is one of the most conservative things in sales eco-system. Despite many changes that happened in our life for the last 10-15 years, this particular experience doesn’t change much. You probably heard best recommendation about how to stop “PLM sales” calling you – buy something from these guys….

How PLM vendors can compete with manufacturing status-quo?

How PLM vendors can compete with manufacturing status-quo?

I attended startup event yesterday in MIT. It was organized by by Startup Secrets with participation of Michael Skok and Alex Osterwalder. If you’re not familiar with Alex’s books – Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design, I certainly recommend you to check it out. In my view it is good not only…

Cloud PLM and SaaS sales mindset

Cloud PLM and SaaS sales mindset

I want to talk about PLM sales today. If you want to succeed in sales, a mindset is a right starting point. But, enterprise sales needs a special mindset. PLM sales is very special case. These days SaaS / cloud software is setting new rules for enterprise software. How does…

How to stop blaming engineers for PLM sales problems

How to stop blaming engineers for PLM sales problems

It is hard to sell PLM. Sigh… Even today. Even with all modern open source, cloud, browser, web, mobile, big data, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and other cool product and technological buzzwords. How to get PLM right? Startups and large companies are trying to bring new ideas and products to the…
