A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Siemens PLM

5 October, 2015

Everyone likes innovation. It gives you good feeling and brings the whole power of imagination into your brain. If you...

15 September, 2015

How are you doing this morning? About joining IoT world and create (or buy) IoT platform? You are not alone,...

11 September, 2015

Time. It is all that matters for business. The demand of customers to solve problems here and now are growing....

10 September, 2015

We don’t have to share the same room to work together these days. Business are discovering globalization option following customers...

10 August, 2015

Everything becomes global these days. The same applies to manufacturing. It comes in variety of forms. To compete in a...

27 May, 2015

  You can say that buzz around big data is annoying. At the same time, organization are struggling with a fundamental...

22 May, 2015

To access product information is one of the most important roles of PLM system. Time ago, organizing data in folders...

19 May, 2015

It is hard overestimate the importance of Bill of Materials for product development. In my keynote at ProSTEP iViP symposium...

19 May, 2015

Siemens PLM connection 2015 is taking place in Dallas this week. Thanks for Siemens PLM inviting me, I had a...

27 April, 2015

PLM technologies and products went through many changes for the last two decades. If you long timer in PLM industry, you...

6 March, 2015

The question how to implement PLM cloud is one of the most confusing when it comes to the decision about choosing...

17 December, 2014

Bill of Materials (BOM) is a central part of everything in product development. Sometimes, people call it product structure. Manufacturers...

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